Thursday, December 20, 2012

Day 2 Part three. Well after arriving at our hotel we decided to go to the Louvre. How to get there was the challenge. We had taken a taxi to the hotel, now however we were going to have to use other forms of transport. This meant Lyndsay had to find out how to get there, which stops and lines we have to take. She was the guide after all. After asking these young girls how the Paris metro worked and standing in front of many metro maps to figure out where to go and hoping that we had gone the correct direction on the tube as you have no Table mountain to help guide you, we managed to leave from the station 1 km from our hotel named Palace de Clichy. We arrived at the Louvre station which took us into a huge shopping centre below the Louvre. Alas they did not have eggnog Latte’ at Starbucks.
We entered the Louvre from an escalator which took us into an enormous room filled with more escalators. We decided to go see the Monalisa first as this was obviously their biggest attraction. In order to get to the Monalisa we entered the Denon room. Which sent us into a whole world of renascence artwork. The scale was amazing and ceilings were beyond belief with decoration and painting. Really amazing! The Monalisa is a lot smaller then we would imagine, just larger then an A3 piece of cardboard. She was surrounded by guards and 3inch glass. You could not get too close as there was a barrier in front of the painting. The hoards of people especially Chinese were the most hindrance however. Either way we got our photo and pressed on. We walked the halls of the louver for four hours, which left us pretty exhausted, I don’t think I have walked this much in years. The Richlieu room was also fantastic, there were dozens of statues taken from Napoleans palace gardens. This room filled with life size white statues takes your breath away as you experience the artistry first hand, Then we continued to the Egyptian exhibition by this time we were really starting to feel our feet but as this is a once in a life time we pressed on and made sure we saw it all. For there we continued to the medieval exhibition where they displayed the former Louver buildng in almost entirety within the room. I kind of felt like I was staring at bricks at this point, however this was one of Lyndsays most enjoyable. After the Louve we looked at the gardens outside where we saw a lit up Ferris wheel which drew our attention so we continued to walk across the lawns in the rain to the market and wheel.
After purchasing a fridge magnet and some key rings we decided it was time for some supper as the sun had set hours ago and it was now approaching 19:00. Our options were carnival food as we were right there, Fast food or a sit down meal. We decided to get a taste of France as we went to a lovely little restaurant called Bistro Batignolles. Lyndsay decided you cannot go wrong with Pasta and she had what was possibly the nicest meal of all three of us. I ordered chops and two massive chops and chips arrived on my plate. Jono was the surprise of the day however, He chose the beef Tartar which is raw mince with a raw egg on top of it on a plate with some salad. Fortunately for him he was so hungry he ate it anyway. We then walked the few blocks to our hotel in the pouring rain and settled in for the night. Day two was fantastic!

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