Thursday, December 20, 2012

Day 5 Time to go Skiing

Day Five Time to go Skiing I have never been so frightened in all my life. What a fool I was attempting this crazy persons sport. So we started the day a bit later then we wanted and we missed the first bus. Hence we took a small walk around town purchased another fridge magnet and a few postcards. Back to our hotel to get our boots on and take the 5 minute walk to the bus stop where we met up with a bunch of English people. Oh I forgot to mention this town blows your mind with beauty. The French definitely know how to display food in the windows of their stores, especially sweets and puddings, every time I pass a store my mouth begins to salivate at how good all the food looks. So we chatted to some English people while we waited. When the bus arrived we all crammed ourselves in, to endure the 8 stops we had to go through as the bus driver slammed his breaks as if he had never used breaks before. Of course is creates some chaos as the bud was grossly over loaded and we all had to hold on for dear life. Squashed sardines came to mind. So we made it to the mountain, first order of business was to purchase a ski pass. 3 euro 30 was the special price which was 7 euro cheaper then we saw on the internet so, I was pretty happy that was the one thing we did not pre-book online. We took a cable car up to the top of the mountain. 1850 meters up. We had to then fit our skis and in Jono’s case a snow board and make our way to the first slope. We opted for a green or nursery slope just to get our bearings which was perfect as before I had even reached the ski lift to the slope I had already fallen. When I say fallen I had somehow found myself speeding down the hill and flying into fortunately a think mound of snow which complete submerged me. Cold on the face but otherwise no pain felt at all. After finally making it to the to the ski lift which took us to the actual slope. I finally got to have my first run down real snow. Yes I ended up submerged again in the same spot, only to have some no older than 4 year old girl point at me and say he’s fallen again. Lyndsay found this green run very boring as she remembered her old skiing like it was yesterday, Jono and I on the other hand were quite happy as we were both battling to get the hang of it all. Yes Jono too was seeing the ground a few times which is no surprise as snowboarding looks far more difficult then skiing. At about one thirty we stopped for lunch and decided it was now time for a blue run. This is the lowest level other then nursery and the level Lyndsay learned on. Well it was bloody terrifying. It was steeper then the green run which meant you go faster and I was battling on the green run. Jono to found this to be very challenging. Other than being faster the run was mostly ok due to the fact that we had really good snow but then a section of snow which was no longer powder but rather ice arrived. Lyndsay had no issues at all, she finally looked like she was enjoying herself Jono and I on the other hand… well we were struggling. I finally thought I was getting the hang of it when I am not sure what happened but I found myself heading straight down the slope. You are supposed to go from side to in order to slow down. Well I picked up speed fast and it was terrifying. I heard lyndsay shouting turn! Turn! As I wizzed passed her then she shouted fall fall! I managed to find snow that wasn’t ice and turned 90degrees which slowed me down. Then I fell to my side to a reasonably soft landing. I don’t think I have ever been so scared in my life. The rest of the run was far less steep so other then that I continued down the slope without a hitch. Jono however being on a snow board which is far more difficult, had a bit of a fall at the bottom of the slope and hit his head. Fortunately he was wearing a helmet but he seemed to be concust so we took the shortest route off of the mountain, this involve a freezing ski lift ride back up but then we still needed to ski to the gondola to take up back down. Jono didn’t look good. We were early for our bus so we stopped and had one of the best cups of hot chocolate I have ever had in my life. When our bus arrived it was early and we had to rush to squeeze on. Jono had about four sugars with his hot chocolate which seemed to bring him back to life. We got off at the wrong stop from the bus station which meant walking about 2km to our hotel not fun carrying skis and walking in ski boots which are fitted at an angle, Jono had no issue though as snow board boots are basically comfy shoes. There after we hit the Jacuzzi which was awesome just to relax the muscles and recover. Not to mention talk about an eventful day skiing. We went to a different restaurant, only to find their prices were crazy so we opted to go back to the one we went to the night before, and we weren’t disappointed. Then back to the hotel and straight to bed for a well deserved night’s sleep.

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