Thursday, December 20, 2012

Day 6 Ski day 2 sadly no pics for now

Day 6 Lyndsay discovered she had lost her beanie the day before and so we had to head out early to try and buy her a new one. We soon discovered that Charmonix doesn’t open that early. I remembered there was a ski shop across from the gondola so we decided to get the bus in and we would buy one there. We arrived back at the mountain and bought a very pretty beanie for Lyndsay and decided to purchase a small breakfast at a pastry shop. Jono had a small pizza, Lyndsay had a baguette and I had a small custard tart I wasn’t going to leave France without a pastry being eaten. There were no seats outside this shop so we sat at a table next door, where a lady came and asked us if we would like anything, when we didn’t order she told us to push off of so we figured as it was all in French and we pretty much looked at her blankly. After our small breakfast we made our way up the mountain. Again the beauty astounds you, we thought Gail would be terrified at this point as the cable car was moving slightly. Jono and I agreed that we were not yet ready for the blue runs but rather that we need to practice some more on the green slope. This time however we knew what we needed to practice. I soon became a lot more comfortable with skiing from side to side as opposed to attempting to snowplow may way down the mountain which was simply not working. I finally felt like I was learning to ski and was gaining my confidence back. It was time to tackle another blue run. Lyndsay and I asked Jono if he was keen but he still felt he was not going to be able to do it. He said we should go and come back for him once we had done one run. So we did, this time was much different I finally had control of what I was doing. No I was not the expert, so I took it slow but I was in control and feeling far more like I was actually skiing then simply trying to stay alive. Lyndsay and I completed the blue run with only one or two falls between the both of us and we went over to fetch Jono. When we got back to Jono too was feeling a lot more confident. He had found an instructor teaching some other English people and followed them around for a bit and picked up some tips. Jono was styling down the mountain and Lyndsay was finally starting to have some fun. It had been quite boring for her to stand around constantly having to wait for us beginners. We completed a run together of the blue and we were all alive. Then we found a new way to get to the run. This didn’t seem to suit me as I fell into thick mounds of snow every 3 seconds it seemed. Not only that when I fell my glasses got covered in snow and I could not see a thing through them. Never the less we persisted and got through another couple of runs. Lunch was in order by this stage and we enjoyed a quick drink and a small plate of chips to share on the mountain. Then back to the slope. I just couldn’t seem to get the trail to the slope right and this was the easy part. But on the slope Lyndsay and I were getting it waxed as we zig zaged in and out but still staying with each other which allowed you to actually ski with your partner. This was a real highlight for me as I was finally starting to feel the enjoyment Lyndsay had gotten out of skiing six years previously. Jono was really starting to get quite good now and was also enjoying himself as he had his confidence back as well. We had a great day on the slope sadly it was our last. When we got back down the mountain we had to wait for the bus for an hour before it arrived. We were freezing! When the bus arrived there was a large crowd waiting and we all rushed to ensure we all had a place, it was like hyena’s scrabbling towards a kill. Pushing and shoving, but we all got on and again enjoyed a 25minute trip back into town feeling like squashed sardines. As we got back to the hotel we quickly headed straight for the Jacuzzi to warm up. We met and English man and Palestinian women there who were skiing in Italy for the day as it was only 25minutes from where we were. We then go dressed and took the long walk to return our ski’s and gear as we were leaving early the next morning and could not afford not to return them that night. Fortunately the ski shop was open and within three second our gear was retrieved at it was time to find some food. Skiing clearly makes you quite hungry. I was after a fondue as Lyndsays was so good the night we arrived. We seemed to walk for ages till we finally found a nice looking restaurant where Jono and I both enjoyed a fondue alas not as good as Lyndsays but good never the less and Lyndsay enjoyed what looked like a potato hot pot which she said was delicious. After that it was surprisingly a quick walk home and straight to bed.

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